1.Be aware that you may have to do some troubleshooting of your own before you get everything working smoothly on your development system.
2.It took them half the evening to get everything ready for the night; and it took them half the morning to get ready to leave.
3.You should get everything ready to make sure that the President's visit to your school goes well.
4.Imagine someone always leaving stuff to the last minute and madly running around trying to get everything done on time?
5.Her soundless world did not let her dance career, considered to be an obstacle in her silent world learned she would like to get everything.
6.As I write this I'm ending a frantic week trying to get everything together before we go on holiday (vacation) to Gozo.
7.No, not the buying of gifts, and trying to get everything your kids want, or anything like that.
8.you know , vasectomies are reversible . - goddamn yuppies get everything , man.
9.The typhoon is coming. We'll have to get everything ready to evacuate the rig.
10.Only there, you could give full play to one's professional knowledge or skill , get everything that you want.